Week beginning 3/10

We can’t believe our first month of Year 4 has already passed, but wow what a start to October all the students have made. Well done!

This week we have intensively been working on our English news articles telling the story of how Howard Carter discovered the secrets of the Pyramids (and that because it involves his camel chewing on an artefact, this story may not have been true!).

Maths has been all about building our mental techniques strategies to help us in adding and subtracting larger numbers, using  ‘think 10/100/1000’ and ‘complements to 100’ to help us reason.

We had a great time in History, coming up with questions to ask an Egyptian, then using our facts to answer them ourselves!


There was a lot of excitement for science, as we used fizzy drinks and shook them to accuartely measure how much carbon dioxide was kept inside them using a scale.

To help learn about the Sikh concept of sewa, in RE this week the children made origami gifts to understand the concept of giving without expecting anything in return. Ask the students about them!

And in art the students have started their responses to Van Gogh’s starry night.



Have a great weekend and see you Monday! – Year 4 Team