


We have been reading The Mousehole Cat in English and using it to build vocabulary and write setting descriptions of Mousehole and inside their cottage.

In our Maths learning, we continued to build on our understanding of multiplication. 

In our Science learning, we thought about the best material to make curtains out of. We tested materials to see which were opaque, transparent and translucent.

We are working on our drawing skills in Art. We learnt skills to help us sketch a portrait.

In Amber class we have started to make our Mosques out of shoe boxes. I know Vermilion class will be starting next week.

In PSHE we are focusing on Friendship this half term. This week we thought about how to give and receive compliments. We each wrote a compliment on a fish!

The children are doing very well with their speaker’s corner. Well done everyone.


We have introduced Speaker’s Corner. Each child will present something they love talking about to the class once between now and June. Please check the list outside our classrooms. The presentation is short – just a few minutes. Please email a copy of slides to support this.

We will have PE on a Wednesday and Thursday (Amber) Friday (Vermillion).. 

Please remember to practise your times tables via TT Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student

Spellings on EMILE: https://www.emile-education.com/app-downloads/student-log-in-access-app-or-online/


Year 3 team