Welcome to Year 1.
Our Teachers are Mrs Jennings, Mrs O’Sullivan and Miss Hanbury and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Scott ,Mrs Kohli and Mrs Parikh.
Jan 102025
Alien Invasion!
Welcome back to the new year!
This term got off to an interesting start when we had a unknown visitor entering the classroom and leaving a terrible mess! The children put on their detective hats and made notes about the crime scene. This will lead us into our new text Beegu by Alexis Deacon which tells the story of a small lost alien visiting Earth. We are looking forward to working on our descriptive writing skills.
In Maths, we have been using comparative language of measuring and learning how to use a ruler. The children have had lots of practical activities including measuring objects around the classroom. We have looked at units of measure such as centimetres and metres.
Our topic this week has been Belonging as part of our RE studies. We have looked at what it means to belong to family and community as well as the Christian church and Jewish synagogue. The children had lots of discussion around this and in the future we hope to have a visit to the church and from a Rabbi.
PE this half term will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays for Sky Class and Wednesdays and Friday for Aqua Class. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times. The children will need joggers and trainers as the weather improves PE will be outside.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday when your child has read their book 3 times and this has been noted in their yellow reading record.
Next week, we will be completing a Design and Technology project. Please send in any boxes, bottles or tubes that we could use for this!
Have a lovely weekend.
Dec 192024
Have a wonderful winter break!
Hi everyone,
We would like to thank you for your kind wishes and generous gifts.
Your children have had a wonderful first term in Year 1.
Have a wonderful winter break and for those celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah enjoy the celebrations.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 1 teachers
Dec 122024
The Jolly Christmas Postman
Hi everyone,
Not long to go now! The children are excited for the Christmas break and are busy making cards and decorations for their families.
In English, we are reading The Jolly Christmas Postman and exploring the language used to describe the postman’s journey. The children made story maps of all the houses the postman visited. The book has a lot of nursery rhyme characters hidden amongst the pictures. We have looked at several nursery rhymes, unpicking their meanings and defining some of the tricky words used. The children drew pictures to show their understanding of the texts.
In Maths, we have revisited the number work we have covered over the term. The children have tested their understanding by answering some quiz questions.
In R.E. we continue to learn more about the celebrations that occur in the Christian faith over the festival of Christmas. All children have made a Christingle.
A Christingle is a Christian symbol that represents the birth of Christ and the light of the world. For children, a Christingle can be explained as a way to celebrate the light of Jesus and spread hope. The different parts of a Christingle each have a special meaning:
- Orange: Represents the world
- Sweets and dried fruit: Represent God’s creations and the blessings people are grateful for
- Lit candle: Represents Jesus as the light of the world, bringing hope to those in darkness In Phonics, we continue to revise the Phase 5 sounds learnt this term.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.
- Orange: Represents the world
Dec 042024
Whoops-A-Daisy Angel
This week the children’s hard work paid off when they gave a wonderful performance of ‘Whoops-A-Daisy Angel’. Everyone spoke clearly and the singing was amazing. It was good to see the children having so much fun and we feel very proud of them all! Thank you to all the parents that came to watch.
In English, we have been exploring the characteristics of the wolf in our traditional tale, Little Red Riding Hood. The children had fun thinking about his behaviour and produced some brilliant adjectives to describe him: clever, mean, cunning. They went on to include their ideas when writing their sentences.
In Maths, we have been finding out about 2D and 3D shapes. We named different 2D and 3D shapes and enjoyed describing them to a partner using mathematical language. We found out about the properties of the shapes and identified where we might see everyday shapes in real life.
Next week we will be making a christingle as part of our RE studies. Please could you send in one orange for your child to decorate. We will need these by Wednesday 11th December.
In phonics, we continue to revise our Phase 5 sounds.
Have a lovely weekend!
Nov 222024
What big teeth you have grandma!
This week in Year 1 we have been learning the traditional tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We started the week exploring the story before creating our own individual story maps with captions and pictures. We ended the week acting out scenes from the story.
In Maths this week we have been practising doubling and halving. e.g double 4 is 8, half of 8 is 4. We did this through using cubes, counters and through playing games. We worked out that 16 can be split in half the most times out of all the numbers up to 20.
In topic time this week we have been sequencing the story of the gunpowder plot in History, in Science we have continued to learn about the weather, in RE we have started to learn the Christian story of Christmas, in Art we have been using foam boards and ink to make prints in our sketchbooks. We have also been using our afternoons to practise for our upcoming performance of ‘Whoops a daisy Angel’ which we will be held on the 4th December at 9:15 in the Theatre.
Please remember to bring back your child’s library book regularly so they get the chance to collect a new one each week. Please also remember to keep PE kits in school at all times so that they can join in their weekly PE lesson.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 1 team
Nov 082024
Welcome back Year 1!
Good afternoon,
Hope you all had a lovely half term break.
The children have enjoyed being back at school and settled back in well.
In English, we have read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have discussed the story and written about what they like and dislike. They looked for patterns and puzzles within the text. They have story mapped the key events and written captions.
In maths, the children are learning numbers ten to nineteen in words and figures. They have built the numbers using maths equipment, starting to recognise each number has ten in it and and the rest is made up of ones. E.g. 12 is 10 + 2
From now on, we will be teaching a different topic each day of the week instead of one for the whole week.
This week in history, we started to learn about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. During discovery, the children created their own puppet shows to retell the story. They wrote questions for King James I about the event and how he stopped it.
In art, we have been looking at printing through single or multiple copies of an image. The children used their hands, elbows, fingers and feet to create a colourful backdrop to add flower and leaf drawings next week.
In R.E. we are learning about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The children have listened to the story and started to familiarise themselves with the events that occurred and how it is celebrated.
We are looking for volunteers for our Autumn to Winter weather walk in Science, if you are available on Tuesday the 19th November please sign up to the email sent by the office.
This half term Aqua will have PE on Mondays and Sky will have PE on Fridays.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Oct 252024
Run, run as fast as you can!
Hi everyone,
We have made it to the end of the first half term in Year 1, and it’s been a long one – 8 weeks!! Your children have been amazing! They have settled in and adapted to the routines and expectations of Year 1.
This week in English, the children read the story of The Gingerbread Man. They looked at the animals that chased the Gingerbread Man and ordered them. They used a recipe to bake their own gingerbread men using practical skills of kneading, cutting and rolling. They wrote their own recipe which was completed in stages; beginning with sequencing pictures, adding time words first, next, then, finally and then writing the recipe.
In Maths, we have been working on our number bonds to 10. The children used a variety of manipulatives to make the number bonds. They then practised working systematically and writing the number sentence to match. Some children started to look at making number bonds to 20 which we will be learning next half term.
In Phonics, the children have recapped the sounds they have learned this half term.
During learning through play (continuous provision) the children have been making different parts of the Jewish festival Sukkot in the outside area, making Diwali firework pictures and creating buildings that can be found in different countries.
P.E. kits will be sent home to be washed, please ensure your child has this with them on their first day back at school.
Thank you for all the resources we have received, they have made a huge difference. The volunteer readers have been a wonderful help and your continued support is really appreciated.
Have a wonderful half term break and we will see you back on Tuesday the 5th November.
The Year 1 team
Oct 182024
10 things I can do to help my world
This week in English we have been looking at the book ’10 things I can do to help my world’ by Melanie Walsh. We started by looking at the vocabulary and discussing the ideas before we wrote a sentence about something we could do to help our world. We then made posters about the different things we could do to take home.
In Maths this week we have been finding the difference between two numbers e.g the difference between 7 and 2 is 5. We have been using pictures, playing cards and cubes to help us work out how many more or how many less there are. We have also been looking at the length of things and comparing the length of two different sets of items and also working out the difference. e.g. the longer pencil is 3 paper clips longer than the shorter pencil.
In topic this week we have been studying R.E. We have been looking at the Christian festival of Harvest, the Jewish festival of Sukkot and the Hindu festival of Diwali. We started the week by learning all about the Harvest and the history of why this is celebrated. We then learned about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and wrote about what we are thankful for on leave templates. We ended the week by making Diwali firework pictures and learning the story of Rama and Sita.
Reminder that next week PE kits will be sent home after your child’s PE day. Please remember to bring in your Library books back on Monday for Aqua or Tuesday for Sky so your child can choose a new book.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Oct 112024
Our five senses…
For Science this week we have been learning about our five senses sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. We have been doing experiments to see if we can correctly identify different smells, correctly identify different tastes and also guess what we are feeling in the feely bag!
In English, we have been publishing our writing about our bodies which you can see on display in the classroom and we have also been learning how to edit our work and fix any mistakes we have made independently. We have also been practicing how to edit jumbled up sentences by cutting them out and putting them into the correct order.
In Maths this week we have started practicing addition and subtraction in our books. We have been using cherry models to practice this and cubes to check our answers. e.g.
In Phonics this week we have been revisiting the sounds ‘wh’, ‘ph’, ‘ew’ and ‘oe’.A reminder that Aqua class go to the Library on Mondays and Sky class go to the Library on Tuesdays. Please bring in your book on those days ready for the children to put them back and pick a new one.Have a wonderful weekend.The year 1 teamOct 042024
Our Amazing Bodies!
This week in Year 1 we have continued reading our class text, Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and have been thinking all about our bodies and how important they are. We explored the names and wrote labels for each part of the body while discussing how amazing our bodies are!
In English, we used our thoughts about the function of each part of our body to write sentences to show how each part helps us; ‘My hands help me to wash and get dressed.’ In their writing the children focussed on using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. They were encouraged to extend their sentence using ‘and’.
In Maths, we have been working on addition and used part-whole models, tens frames and counters to help us find different combinations that make a given number. The children have looked at the different ways a number can be made 5 and 2 makes 7, 3 and 4 makes 7, with 7 being the whole number and 3 and 4 being the parts. The children then wrote their findings as number sentences: 3 + 4 = 7 4 + 3 = 7 7 = 3 +4
In phonics we have been reviewing our Phase 5 sounds and beginning to spell some words using our phonic skills: ay (say), ou (shout), ie (tie), ea (each), oy (toy), ir (girl), ue (glue), aw (draw).
Many thanks to you all for your continued donations of classroom resources. We are so very grateful!
Thank you also for your support with reading at home with your child.
Reminders! School photos will take place next Wednesday. Children should bring in water to drink during the school day, not squash.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year One Team!