Eco Report 2022-2023 Achievements Eco assembly: We worked together to plan, create and deliver a whole school assembly Collected apples with Margaret to donate to the local food bank Made a hedgehog house Lots of visits to the church: planting, litter picking, tidying, creating wildlife habitats School has donated 41 trees Working towards the Green …
Category: eco committee
Apr 26 2023
Important Post!
Mar 31 2023
Here are some useful eco websites for you to explore at home: Home Take photos of you litter picking and email to school. Look at this website which we have been taking part in at school: Water saving ideas and activities: Kids’ Pack Water conservation primary resource …
Mar 24 2023
Year 1 started the litter picking off this afternoon! THANKS FOR YOUR #GBSCHOOLCLEAN PLEDGE! Thank you to your school for making your #GBSchoolClean pledge. At Keep Britain Tidy, we believe that no one is too small to make a big difference, and when we all come together, that big difference becomes a huge one. STAYING SAFE Before you get started, please read …
Mar 24 2023
Year 2 Take Action!
This week Year 2 worked together to send an email to Daisy Cooper about their worries: Alban City School 7 Hatfield RoadSt AlbansAL1 3RR Thursday 23rd March 2023 Dear Daisy Cooper, The children in Year 2 have decided they would like to make you aware how concerned they are about the effects of deforestation and global …
Mar 17 2023
(no title)
Eco Meeting 15/03/2023 Mrs Boothby told us how proud she was for our work in planning, creating and delivering our assembly to the whole school. We had biscuits as a treat. We said our next important task is for each year group to update the planters in the playground. Ideas for the class planters: What …
Mar 10 2023
Amazing Author!
One of our Eco Committee members from Year 6, has written the most inspiring and incredible poem. We had to share it with you all, enjoy! Nature Stars up above like embers in the night, Waterfalls gleaming enchantingly in the light. Plants swaying elegantly from side to side, And shells glistening captivatingly at high tide. …
Mar 10 2023
Eco Assembly 8/3/23 The eco committee planned, created and delivered an assembly for the whole school. They were so brave and spoke clearly and with passion about our achievements and how we can protect the world. They told the school community about our trips to the Church, collecting data, creating wildlife homes, facts about the world, what …
Dec 02 2022
Eco Meeting Minutes 2.12.22
Date People Present Action Points Discussed Action Taken 2.12.22 Class reps Scarlet, Crimson, Amber, Vermillion, Gold, Saffron, Forest, Sage, Amethyst, Magenta Staff: Mrs Boothby (CB) CB shared information from her online course: -board -blog -when to apply – questions that will be asked CB hasn’t heard back from Margaret from the church, …
Dec 02 2022
Wildlife Homes
As part of our strive to achieve the Green Flag award, we need to update our school grounds. If you would like to create or donate a home which would attract and care for wildlife, we would be very grateful. If you have any materials at home that you could donate for us to create …