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Design Technology

At Alban City School, our Design and Technology curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to use a range of tools and materials and explore three main concepts: design, make and evaluate. Our aim is for the children to develop skills which they will use throughout their lives.

During the design stage, the children will  begin to develop their technical language, explore existing products and their designers, as well as  consider the views of a target audience. From this, they will create annotated drawings, labelling specific features of their design (including cross-sections in Years 5 and 6), supported by research. In addition, children will explore how well products have been designed and made to establish a success criteria for their own product.

Children will then construct their designs using a range of different materials and tools. They will identify materials which work well together and complete their products using a range of finishing techniques, recognising how to make 3D structures more stable. Designs will become more complex through the inclusion of electrical and mechanical aspects.

The purpose of the evaluation stage is to provide children with an opportunity to evaluate their final product against their original design. Children will begin to develop the confidence to identify changes they could make through critical evaluation, as well as considering the views of others. By the time children leave Alban City School, they will have compared their products with existing products on the market.

One aspect of our Design and Technology curriculum is centred around food and nutrition and we are fortunate enough to have our very own Food Technology room. Throughout their time at Alban City School, children will develop a range of different skills to use various equipment found in the kitchen safely. During Key Stage 1, pupils will have the opportunity to make individual items of food, before progressing onto making full meals, for example an omelette or curry when in Key Stage 2. This will involve following a recipe, taking accurate measurements and scaling where appropriate. Alongside this, the children explore the concepts of healthy and unhealthy food and their nutritional value, exploring food labelling and developing an understanding of where our food comes from.