
Welcome to our Wellbeing area!

Thinking about the wellbeing of our children feels more important than ever right now. It is our aim at Alban City School to prepare our children to cope with life’s adversities and give them tools and strategies to help prevent difficult experiences leading to poor mental health outcomes. Our focus is on the prevention of …

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Check out our lovely Learning Jungle Display opposite the Community Room! Keep on Learning is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and at Alban City School we have introduced Thinking Classrooms to help us with our learning.  Research shows that learning how to learn (also known as metacognition) can raise attainment and can lead …

Mental Health Support

Children can’t learn unless they are feeling safe and secure. At Alban City School we understand the importance of a child’s sense of wellbeing on their ability to learn, interact with others and make the most of the opportunities presented to them.  Naturally, there will be times in a child’s life where circumstances might compromise …

Useful Links

Healthy Lifestyles Courses https://beezeebodies.com/programs/beezee-families/ Holiday Wellbeing Information https://www.hwehealthiertogether.nhs.uk/parentscarers/support-advice-parents-around-holidays Just Talk www.justtalkherts.org Place2Be www.place2be.org.uk/our-services/parents-and-carers/supporting-your-child-s-mental-health Anna Freud Centre www.annafreud.org/parents-and-carers Young Minds https://youngminds.org.uk MindEd https://mindedforfamilies.org.uk Mind www.mind.org.uk Family Lives www.familylives.org.uk Safe Space https://albancityschool.org.uk/download/safe-space/