

We have been looking at Traditional Fairy Tales this week. We have been looking at features of these stories to help us remember the main points of the story. We also made puppets to help us re-tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood.


This week we have been consolidating our understanding of subtraction and exchanging.


In Science this week, we have started our topic of healthy living. We explored what healthy food and diet looked and completed our own food group plate.


We have been looking at Bible stories in the Old Testament and our big question this half term is ‘What is it like to follow God?’


We have been using maps to help us located and name cities in the UK.


Reminders (coats, snacks, PE bags)

As the weather is getting wetter and colder, please can you send your child in with a waterproof jacket.

We will have PE on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Remember to bring a small snack.

Please remember to practise your times tables via TT

Rockstars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student

Spellings on EMILE: https://www.emile-education.com/app-downloads/student-log-in-access-app-or-online/

We hope you have a great weekend.

Year 3 Team