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What We Do

We have an active governing body at Alban City School, and we work closely with both the Headteacher and staff in order to ensure the pupils’ happiness, well-being and high achievement are always at the forefront of what we do. Whilst we do not get involved with the day-to-do running of the school, we see our main role as a Governing Body as being:

  • to actively support the strategic direction of the school;
  • to act as a “curious” friend, in order to both support and constructively challenge the leadership team; and
  • to ensure the school operates effectively (both in a financial and non-financial sense) and in line with legislative and educational requirements

As you will see from the Governor Profiles section of our website, we have governors from a wonderfully wide variety of backgrounds, which we believe is key to a successful governing body. We have a mixture of “Parent Governors” (who are elected by the parents/carers themselves, and bring a welcome amount of personal experience); “Co-opted Governors” who are appointed by the Governing Body for the specific skills they can bring to our school community; Staff Governors; and finally a governor appointed by the Local Authority.

Whilst we spend time in school attending  meetings, we also regularly visit the school to see it in action. Each Governor takes the lead on a specific area (Eg curriculum, SEN, safeguarding etc) and meets regularly with the lead member of staff to discuss plans and see how everything we discuss at meetings is put into practice.

We regularly seek feedback from parents/carers and staff with periodic surveys, and are very grateful to those people who take the time to answer as it is important to us that we hear the views of all those involved with the school. We are always open to hearing from people who are interested in becoming a governor, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us (via the school office) if that is something you would like to explore.

You can read more about our strategic aims here: