Nov 202024
School council visit parliament!
This week the school council had a special trip to the Houses of Parliament for a guided tour on the ‘story of parliament’. We visited the House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Great Hall alongside a number of other special rooms with thrones and famous paintings in. At the end of the tour the MP for St Albans Daisy Cooper came and met with us to answer questions about her role and the future of the city. The children were a credit to the school.
Oct 252024
School Council so far…
This half term the school council has been meeting to talk about ideas and suggestions and to think about what we would like to focus on this year. We also met with the old school council for a handover.
We have agreed to make a suggestion box which we will be putting out at the entrance of the school in soft start to encourage other school children to give us suggestions and ideas. We would also like to introduce a class kindness chart which the school councillor could monitor.
Sep 162024
New school council!
Congratulations to our new Alban City School Councillors for the year 2024 / 2025 who were announced in assembly today! We are already looking forward to our first meeting.
Rowan Emmett Oona Olivia Tate Rosie Alp Byron Sanjana Alice Jun 202024
The Houses of Parliament…
The school council were very lucky to recently visit Westminster on a special school trip.
We started the trip with a tour of the House of Commons and the House of Lords and even got to sit on the viewing platform and witness a live debate!
After the tour we were then treated to a debating workshop where the children learnt about how the different political parties work and they role played debating a new bill in the house from two opposing sides.
Daisy Cooper our local MP then came to meet with the school council and answer questions about St Albans and more importantly the tax on sweets!
May 072024
School council meet the Mayor
Today the school council were very lucky to meet the Mayor of St Albans, we prepared questions to ask the Mayor in advance before having a detailed conversation with him about his role in the city. The school council once again were a credit to the school.
Mar 272024
School council visit Verulam House!
As part of the school councils interest in helping the local community we decided to head down to the local nursing home ‘Verulam House’ where we chatted to the residents, played games and even got to meet their parrot and hatching chicks. The school council were very friendly and kind and were great ambassadors for the school.
Feb 072024
New year, new ideas…
When the school council met recently we had a good think about what we would like to spend our time doing going forward, two main themes that were most prominent were…
- We would like to spend more time in our local community
- We would like to visit a council / parliament setting
As a result we decided we would like to visit a nuring home in St Albans to offer some care, support and hopefully comfort. We are also sending some emails and hopefully will be able to go on a school council trip soon!
Nov 132023
A strong start for the new school council
This school council we talked about changes we have made so far and what we would like to see going forward. Each school councillor made a list of things we have actioned to pass back to our classmates, these included:
- Bringing back the trays in the dining room.
- School survey on school meals as we had some classroom suggestions.
- More local school trips.
- We will be heading to the field in the warmer weather again.
- 30 minutes golden time a week consistently and five a day.
- Possibility to have Lani visit the classrooms more often and for a portable water container.
Oct 022023
New year – new school council!
Congratulations to all the new school councillors who will be representing their class this academic school year.
We have been working hard already speaking with our classes and coming up with new ideas and improvements to daily school life at Alban City School.
If you have any suggestions or ideas please don’t hesitate to speak to your school councillor – they can be easily identified by their school council badge.
We look forward to meeting in October to continue working on ideas!
Feb 242023
Random Acts of Kindness
It would appear that LOTS OF KINDNESS happened last term. Today the School Council met to look at the posters. It is wonderful to see all the kind things that happened. You will hear more about them on Monday’s assembly.
Please also have a look on Google Classroom and fill out the questionnaire that is on there.