Welcome Reception!

We just wanted to welcome all of our Reception children and their families to Alban City School. All the children have settled in and have started to learn the school routine. Thank you to all parents for helping to make this such a smooth transition for the children.

Each Friday we will upload a Reception blog which will let you know what we have covered over the week and any reminders you might need to know.

In Alban City School we have an open door policy, within Reception we welcome parents to join their children during soft start. This is also a great opportunity to also ask any questions or share any information that you feel we may need to know.

This week in Reception we have had a big focus on learning the school rules and routines, including an introduction to our indoor and outdoor environments that the children can explore in discovery time.  We have spent time getting to know each other through games and circle times. The children have enjoyed sharing their photos from when they were a baby, a toddler and now. They found it very funny to guess who was in each baby photo.

We have introduced Reception to our phonics programme which gives them the knowledge and skills that they will need to support their learning of reading and writing. We have introduced the phonemes s, a, t and p and the rhymes that go with them. There is a copy of these phonemes and rhymes in your child’s yellow reading record which came home with them on Friday. In phonics we have also started to segment words using our robot arms and then blending them together.

Key Points

  • Please bring in wellies so that your child can access the sand and mud kitchen areas
  • Please provide extra underwear, socks and trousers/skirt if you think your child will need a change of clothes due to an accident
  • During soft start the adults will set up some activities on the tables or carpet area, please could you encourage your child to only use these resources  and not the other areas of the classroom. This will be hugely appreciated.
  • On Friday your child  came home with a reading book and yellow reading record. Please read with your child daily and record this in the reading record. Once they have read the book 4 times we will then change these for a new one. The reading book and reading diary need to be taken out of their book bag every morning (even if they have not read) and placed in the top draw above where they put their book bags.
  • Inside the yellow reading record is a google classroom login for you to sign up to. Please do this as soon as possible so that we can use to this to communicate with home.
  • Inside the yellow reading record is also a login for Numbots, this can be used online or in a downloaded app. Numbots is a great interactive resource to help understanding, recall and fluency in maths.


Have a great weekend!


The Reception Team 🙂