Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Year 3! We have had a wonderful week. We are very proud of all the children and they’ve been getting used to choosing their lunches and finding their way around Year 3.

This week our afternoons have focused on the school values of Kindness, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience and getting to know our class better. The children made clouds celebrating their unique qualities which you can see on display in the classrooms.

In English we have been thinking about what our Learning Heroes did on their summer holidays and writing sentences to describe the settings of the beach, playground, forest or splash park.

In Maths the children impressed us with their knowledge of place value and we worked very hard on making numbers in the hundreds and then making ’10 less’ or ’10 more’. Ask your child at home ‘What is 10 more than 123?’

We have sent home Reading Books for Homework this week and there will be Homework on Google Classroom next Friday.

It has been a great first week back.

Enjoy the weekend.

Year 3 team.