Crucial Crew and Coding – with some Lego added in

What a busy week we’ve had in year 6!

We started the week in English by writing from Cameron’s parents’ perspectives and recapping some of the key parts of the book Pig Heart Boy.  Lots of the children really got the hang of seeing something from another point of view and enjoyed writing in character.

In maths, we have focused on multiplication and division, going back over the formal written method and the lattice method, deciding which ones work best for individuals.  Next week, we will be having our first go at some past SATs papers to identify areas of particular focus.

On Thursday, we all hopped on the coach to the fire station to take part in the Crucial Crew workshop.  There were nine different scenarios set up around a variety of hazards and risky situations that children may face, as they become more independent.  They had discussions and talked about making decisions around safety and responsibility as well as possible consequences of making the wrong decisions.  All the children were engaged and actively participated as you can see from the images below.

We couldn’t think of a better way to end the week than with a Lego Coding workshop.  Mr Bushell arranged for a session with Beyond Bricks – a company that runs creative sessions and clubs using LEGO bricks to inspire people to learn Programming, Engineering and Design.   The sessions gave all the children the opportunity to build and programme robots as intruder alarms and earthquake detection technology.  It was brilliant!


Mayan masks are due on Wednesday 2nd October

Maths quiz

Spellings – 10 sentences  and practice

Reading x 3


Have a great weekend.

The Year 6 Team