Our Amazing Bodies!

This week in Year 1 we have continued reading our class text, Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and have been thinking all about our bodies and how important they are.   We explored the names and wrote labels for each part of the body while discussing how amazing our bodies are!

In English, we used our thoughts about the function of each part of our body to write sentences to show how each part helps us; ‘My hands help me to wash and get dressed.’ In their writing the children focussed on using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. They were encouraged to extend their sentence using ‘and’.

In Maths, we have been working on addition and used part-whole models, tens frames and counters to help us find different combinations that make a given number. The children have looked at the different ways a number can be made 5 and 2 makes 7, 3 and 4 makes 7, with 7 being the whole number and 3 and 4 being the parts. The children then wrote their findings as number sentences: 3 + 4 = 7           4 + 3  = 7           7 = 3 +4

In phonics we have been reviewing our Phase 5 sounds and beginning to spell some words using our phonic skills: ay (say), ou (shout), ie (tie),  ea (each),  oy (toy),  ir (girl),  ue (glue),  aw (draw).

Many thanks to you all for your continued donations of classroom resources.  We are so very grateful!

Thank you also for your support with reading at home with your child.

Reminders!  School photos will take place next Wednesday.  Children should bring in water to drink during the school day, not squash.

Have a lovely weekend!


The Year One Team!