In Maths the children have been exploring the composition of numbers e.g. seeing that 3 can be composed of 1 and 2, 2 can be composed of 1 and 1. Through practical experiences the children could see a ‘whole’ is made up of smaller parts and is, therefore, bigger than its parts. In Maths we also introduced weight using the weighing scales. We discussed key vocabulary such as ‘heavy’, ‘light’ and ‘balanced’.
In Phonics this week we have taught the digraph sound ‘ss’. We then spent the week recapping the Phase 2 sounds and practising the skills to segment and blend these for reading and writing. We have also been reading some short sentences and identifying any ‘harder to read and spell words’ within them.
This week we have started our topic of ‘People who help us’. We have discussed who are ‘people who help us’. We had many amazing ideas from the children. We then focused on the role of doctors, nurses and dentists and how they can help us. Some children also shared their own experiences. When learning about dentists we discussed how to keep our teeth healthy and why this is so important.
In PE this week the children became pirates and played a range of games, including following instructions from captain Mrs Dumont and Miss Reynolds on board the pirate ship.
Key Points
- We are still learning about ‘People who help us’ until the end of the term. If there are any other volunteers that would like to come in and talk about their jobs, it would be greatly appreciated!
- We are also looking for any parents that could help with additional reading in Reception. If you could spare some time to help please let one of the Reception team know.
- Please could you ensure your child has a spare set of clothes at school, including underwear and socks , to change into if they have an accident or get wet outside.