999 Emergency!

In Maths this week the children have continued to develop their subitising skills to identify how many of something there is without counting. The children then practised showing how many using their fingers. We have also practised use of  ‘perceptual’ subitising – instant recognition – by saying the number of sounds that they can hear, such as claps or drum beats, without needing to count. 

In Phonics we have continued to learn the final Phase 2 phonics sounds, h, b, f, ff, l, ll. We have practised writing these using the letter rhymes to help us. We have also thought about words that start with these initial sounds. The new ‘harder to read and spell words’ for this week were ‘as’ and ‘his’. The children are really becoming confident in using their robot arms to segment and blend words for reading and writing.

In topic this week we have continued to learn about ‘people who help us’. We have enjoyed learning more about police officers and firefighters and how they can help to keep us safe.  We also discussed which number we needed to call if we ever needed the emergency services to help us. A huge thank you to Talitha’s mummy for coming into Reception to talk about her role as a dentist. The children learnt all about how to keep their teeth healthy and even had the chance to dress up as dentists and teeth.

In PE this week we became mythical creatures and thought about the different ways dragons, fairies and unicorns would look and move. We then practised our throwing and catching skills by pretending a beanbag was a fairy flying.

Key Points

  • Please make sure your reading books and yellow diaries are in the trays outside the classroom each day. This will help the adults when checking books and to see if they need to be changed.
  • Please bring back school library books on a Monday so that they can be changed for a new one.
  • Junk modelling is an area of interest to the children and they can access this during all discovery times. We are getting a bit low with recycling so if you can please bring some more to school with you!
  • As it is getting colder please make sure your child has a coat in school every day and they are ready for all types of weather.
  • Please make sure your child’s school uniform, coats, shoes and PE have their names in.