Well we could write about all the work we have done in English this week. Writing sentences using modal verbs, a variety of subordinating conjunctions and some excellent synonyms, however what most people want to see is the science lesson!
In Science, following on from our work on the circulatory system, linking with our core text of Pig Heart Boy, we dissected lamb hearts. It was a fascinating lesson, with most children keen to explore and understand more about this incredible organ. The children followed instructions to dissect the heart and identify the different atria and ventricles and some even spotted the chordae tendineae – more commonly known as the heart strings. Please enjoy some of the photos below.
In maths this week, we have been practising some problem solving. Starting firstly with problems which involve starting at the end and working backwards, using the inverse to solve. Although a little tricky to start, we managed to get the hang of it. We also worked on sudoku and then tried applying some of the techniques to some SATs word problems.
In Music, we have been learning about the blues and from next week we will be starting to play Jonny be Good on the ukelele.
Spelling x 10 sentences
Grammar quiz – Google classroom
Maths – Google classroom
Reading x 3
Have a great weekend
The Year 6 Team