This week in English we have been looking at the book ’10 things I can do to help my world’ by Melanie Walsh. We started by looking at the vocabulary and discussing the ideas before we wrote a sentence about something we could do to help our world. We then made posters about the different things we could do to take home.
In Maths this week we have been finding the difference between two numbers e.g the difference between 7 and 2 is 5. We have been using pictures, playing cards and cubes to help us work out how many more or how many less there are. We have also been looking at the length of things and comparing the length of two different sets of items and also working out the difference. e.g. the longer pencil is 3 paper clips longer than the shorter pencil.
In topic this week we have been studying R.E. We have been looking at the Christian festival of Harvest, the Jewish festival of Sukkot and the Hindu festival of Diwali. We started the week by learning all about the Harvest and the history of why this is celebrated. We then learned about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and wrote about what we are thankful for on leave templates. We ended the week by making Diwali firework pictures and learning the story of Rama and Sita.
Reminder that next week PE kits will be sent home after your child’s PE day. Please remember to bring in your Library books back on Monday for Aqua or Tuesday for Sky so your child can choose a new book.
Have a wonderful weekend.