It’s been yet another busy week here in Year 6. We have completed our information leaflets about harmful substances – be prepared to be lectured about the potential hazards of those (well-deserved) glasses of wine! The leaflets are really creative in terms of layout and the children have included a variety of sentence structures and punctuation.
In maths, we have been revising mathematical vocabulary and different concepts such as prime numbers. We did notice that there is some confusion between factors and multiples and so we spent time looking at the those in different ways.
In Science, we have moved on from the circulatory system to the digestive system. We followed the journey of Amy the sweetcorn through the system and then discussed the key organs and their functions.
Lots of children are extremely excited about Bikeability next week. Please remember that children need to come into school in their uniforms, with a change of clothes for cycling.
Friday 24th October is non-uniform day and Crazy Hair Day – remember not to go too crazy if you need to put a helmet on!
Maths mat – on paper
Spellings – x10 sentences
Reading – x3
Have a great weekend.
The Year 6 Team