This week we spent time thinking about the people in school and how the adults help us in different ways such as keeping us safe, teaching us, cooking our lunches, fixing the school etc. We then spent time thinking about questions and why these are important. The children came up with some great questions to ask Mrs Stray and Lani when they visited Reception.
We were also very lucky this week to have more mystery visitors. A huge thank you to Rupert’s Mummy for coming in to Reception to talk about being a nurse and how nurses can help all people. The children then enjoyed role playing nurses with the poorly animals in the role play corner.
In Math this week we have introduced the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to describe how many objects there are. ‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’ because the focus is on countable things. Throughout the week we used one stem sentence e.g. [Teddy/Monkey] has more _____ than [Teddy/ Monkey].
In Phonics we started to learn the first set of Phase 3 sounds, j, v, w and x. The children enjoyed thinking of all the words they could think of that included these sounds. We then also read simple words that included these new sounds. The children practised using their robot arms to segment and blend words. The harder to , read words this week were ‘he’, ‘his’, ‘she’ and ‘buses. The children came up with some great sentences using these words. When supporting children with phonics at home, please model the use of the letter sounds, rather than the letter names to support with their reading. If you are unsure of pronunciation there are some videos you can watch on the phonics page of our website…
In PE we went on an adventure to find a castle. We practised moving around the room safely and carefully. When the giant was coming we all froze and created different shapes with our body. We then played a game of ‘follow the leader’ and tried different ways of moving around the hall, for example backwards, sideways and hopping.
This week Reception also made their own playdough for the first time by following a simple recipe. See below if you would like to make it at home 🙂
Key Points
- We would love to do some planting with the children, if anyone is able to provide either tulip or daffodil bulbs for us to plant.
- We would also like some different types of herbs to plant so that the children can use these within the mud kitchen or our potion station.