Well that’s the first half term of Year 2 complete and what a great half term it has been. The children have been fabulous learners and worked so hard. Thank you for all your support with their learning at home – it makes a big difference.
In English, we have started to explore instruction writing, identifying key features before having a go at planning and writing our own. In this set of instructions there is a Halloween theme, meaning we have been able to be creative with adjectives and nouns when creating our own potion! Fancy some pink, wriggling worms or the eye of a huge, wild tiger?
Sorting and classifying, has been the focus in Science this week. Delving deeper into healthy living, we explored a balanced diet by categorising different foods. We were able to see which foods we should have more off and discussed why we think this is.
In Art this week we celebrated this term’s amazing artwork. We set up an ‘art gallery’ in the classroom and enjoyed looking back on what we have done this term. We spoke about aspects of each other’s work that we enjoyed and remembered different drawing techniques we have used. Here is a very small selection of some of our sketchbook work and art gallery. We feel very proud of our drawings.
Diwali, the festival of light, is next week and we learnt how Hindus (and other religions) celebrate. We were fascinated watching the creation of rangoli patterns, and created our own to brighten up our classroom windows. We love the colours when the light shines through!
Scarlet Class have taken their sponsored run very seriously and are very pleased to be raising money for the Caledonian Forest. They have shown compassion, resilience and enthusiasm. Thank you for your generous donations, which we will be collecting after the holidays.
Over the half term holidays we would like the children to practice their times tables by logging into TTRockstars (login details can be found in the front of their reading record) and also completing a few timetables on google classroom. There are also some spellings to learn and the usual reading.
We hope you all have a wonderful half term break and hope that the sun makes an appearance for us all!
Best wishes
The Year 2 Team