Run, run as fast as you can!

Hi everyone,

We have made it to the end of the first half term in Year 1, and it’s been a long one – 8 weeks!! Your children have been amazing! They have settled in and adapted to the routines and expectations of Year 1.








This week in English, the children read the story of The Gingerbread Man. They looked at the animals that chased the Gingerbread Man and ordered them. They used a recipe to bake their own gingerbread men using practical skills of kneading, cutting and rolling.  They wrote their own recipe which was completed in stages; beginning with sequencing pictures, adding time words first, next, then, finally and then writing the recipe.

In Maths, we have been working on our number bonds to 10.  The children used a variety of manipulatives to make the number bonds. They then practised working systematically and writing the number sentence to match. Some children started to look at making number bonds to 20 which we will be learning next half term.


In Phonics, the children have recapped the sounds they have learned this half term.

During learning through play (continuous provision) the children have been making different parts of the Jewish festival Sukkot in the outside area, making Diwali firework pictures and creating buildings that can be found in different countries.

P.E. kits will be sent home to be washed, please ensure your child has this with them on their first day back at school.

Thank you for all the resources we have received, they have made a huge difference. The volunteer readers have been a wonderful help and your continued support is really appreciated.

Have a wonderful half term break and we will see you back on Tuesday the 5th November.

The Year 1 team