Living or dead?

It has been great to see everyone back and eager to learn after the half term break.

In Science, we have started the unit Living Things and their Habitats. This week, we identified a specific criteria that allowed us to scientifically identify if something is living, dead or never alive. We now know that for something to be living it needs to move, eat, grow, use air, excrete waste and reproduce! We had to really think about items that were made out of wood i.e. a bench. Would you say it is dead or never alive? Why?

In Maths, we have been exploring number bonds to ten and then using this information to help us recognise number bonds to 100. For example, if we already know 8 + 2 = 10, then we also know that 80 + 20 = 100. Using a bead string we were able to use three numbers to make 100 i.e. 30 + 50 + 20 = 100. I wonder what we would need to do if we wanted to use this understanding to make 1000!

This week we have finished writing the instructions of ‘How to make a deadly potion’.  We have used time connectives such as first, then, after that, eventually and also bossy verbs to tell people exactly what to do.  It has been great fun using our imaginations to make our potions as yucky as possible!

Mrs Kohli (Sky class TA) spoke to us about Diwali and how she celebrated it last week.  It was lovely to see her own rangoli patterns that she created in her home and how she puts on and wears her sari.  Thank you to Mrs Kohli for making what we had already learnt really come to life.

Thank you to those in Scarlet class who have brought in their sponsorship money.  Please give your collected money to Mrs Garcia or Mrs Moore.  The deadline for handing in the money is next Thursday (14th Nov), so that we can pass on the money to the charity and get some trees planted.

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes

The Year 2 Team