We have had a wonderful week of learning in Year 3. We started our new book ‘The Mousehole Cat’ and found out it is a real story that is still celebrated in Mousehole today! We investigated how to punctuate speech through reading activities, songs and cutting up sentences using macaroni to show where the inverted commas go! Take a look. Then we carefully wrote our speech sentences in our books.
An exciting week in Maths too, we have learnt the meanings of the terms vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular. We have worked hard on our skills at using a ruler accurately.
In Science we loved learning about our joints and how muscles help us move. We labelled our elbow joints, knee joints, hip joints and shoulder joints! Do you know which are hinge joints and which are ball and socket joints?
In History we looked at Hillforts and learnt about palisades and ditches. People lived together to protect their farms from animals and other tribes.
Everyone is showing increasing confidence in their recorder playing. The concert is in just two weeks time -so please keep practising.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Year 3 team