This week we have been working on creating a character description for a goblin, who we met through the poem ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh’ by Harold Monro. He is a particularly gruesome, putrid character with fetid breath and blood-shot eyes! These are some of the words we have been using to describe this vile creature. Let’s hope we don’t happen to meet him in the future!
We have been building problems using manipulatives this week in maths and then representing these in diagrams or bar models in order to help us understand different parts of the problem. It helps if we can recognise whether the start of the problem, change in the problem or the result is missing from the information, which helps us to know how to solve it.
In science we have been using circuit symbols to draw circuit diagrams and then asking our classmates to build the circuits to see if they would work. We had to work out where the problems were and how they could be fixed to make a complete circuit.
In music over the next couple of weeks the children have been invited to showcase their musical instrument prowess at the end of term class concerts. They have already signed up to slots for the next two lessons and so any rehearsing they can do at home will certainly be beneficial.We can’t wait to see them play!
Have a great weekend,
Year 4 team