Reception have really enjoyed the storybook ‘Penguin Huddle’ this week in topic lessons. We spent time making story predictions and discussed the thoughts and feelings of the characters. We then thought about what we already knew about penguins and what else we would like to find out. We researched these questions using non-fiction books and the internet. The children know some amazing facts about penguins!
We also looked at where penguins live and how it is different to St Albans. We had a great time in our discovery time exploring ice and also using different strategies to try and save some polar animals that had been frozen!
In Maths this week we have been practising our counting to 20 and recognising numbers to 20. We looked at how the numbers change beyond 10 and how all teen numbers all start with ‘1’. We enjoyed covering up different numbers on a number line and trying to figure out which numbers were missing.
In Phonics this week we have continued to review all of the phase 2 and 3 sounds. We have been trying to identify these within words and sentences before reading. We have also spent some time writing simple words using our segmenting and blending skills. If the children are unsure what a sound looks like/is formed then we encourage them to use their sound mats.
Key Points
- Just a reminder our Reception Christmas Nativity is on Friday 13th December! This will start at 9:15 in the school theatre.
- If your child is a narrator and you have not yet brought in your child’s outfit, please bring this in as soon as possible as we will have dress rehearsals before the show on Friday.