Percentages, Planning, Prepositions (and chocolate!)

We are really enjoying our new art project this term.  We have chosen an animal, linked to South America and used a technique to upscale and make it bigger.  We will back it onto cardboard, collage it and eventually hope to make it stand up!

We have had a successful week in maths, revisiting percentages and extending our knowledge to real life challenging problems. Next week we will focus on the property of shape in maths and finally write our stories about Day of the Dead.  

The stand out lesson of the week had to be the topic lesson on chocolate.  Mayans were the first people to discover the precious cacao beans and they believed they were a gift from the gods.  They would dry, grind, and mix the beans with water and chilli to create a drink and even used them as currency to trade.  The children had the opportunity to touch, smell and taste cocoa nibs, cocoa butter and then four different types of chocolate of varying from 90% dark chocolate to extra creamy and then a final chocolate where they had to identify the missing ingredient! 


Topic – Tribe Leader letter

Grammar Quiz

Maths – Percentages questions

Spelling – 10 sentences

Reading x 3


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 6 Team