Welcome back to the new year!
This term got off to an interesting start when we had a unknown visitor entering the classroom and leaving a terrible mess! The children put on their detective hats and made notes about the crime scene. This will lead us into our new text Beegu by Alexis Deacon which tells the story of a small lost alien visiting Earth. We are looking forward to working on our descriptive writing skills.
In Maths, we have been using comparative language of measuring and learning how to use a ruler. The children have had lots of practical activities including measuring objects around the classroom. We have looked at units of measure such as centimetres and metres.
Our topic this week has been Belonging as part of our RE studies. We have looked at what it means to belong to family and community as well as the Christian church and Jewish synagogue. The children had lots of discussion around this and in the future we hope to have a visit to the church and from a Rabbi.
PE this half term will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays for Sky Class and Wednesdays and Friday for Aqua Class. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times. The children will need joggers and trainers as the weather improves PE will be outside.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday when your child has read their book 3 times and this has been noted in their yellow reading record.
Next week, we will be completing a Design and Technology project. Please send in any boxes, bottles or tubes that we could use for this!
Have a lovely weekend.