Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a good break and are happy to be back in the new year’s routine.  The children have been brilliant in their first week back and we’ve had a great week.

In English we have started looking at a non-chronological report about a creature called a ‘Tigglewump’.  We have considered the features of a non-chronological report (title, introduction, sub headings and pictures)  and are learning the text by creating actions.  We aren’t sure if the Tigglewump is real as not many have been spotted and there are no photographs of them to be found! Hopefully we will find out more about them next week!

In Maths we have had some fun with information in tables, tally charts and block graphs.  Lots of interest and enthusiasm was sparked when we were reading tables containing football statistics! We have created a bar graph of our favourite animals.

In Science we predicted and tested the absorbency of different kitchen towels, ready for this term’s topic on materials.

In RE we had some wonderful discussions about how different religions give thanks to God and we loved hearing children’s own personal experiences and traditions, including a demonstration about the use of a prayer mat.

This term in Art we are looking at how music can inspire people’s artwork.  Today we did some close observational drawings (of 3D paper shapes – scrunched, folded, spiralled).  As we drew we listened to a slow beat of a metronome to slow us down.  It definitely made us feel calm, slow and more thoughtful.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Best wishes

The Year 2 Team