Maths, Miso and Mustard Seeds

Happy New Year!

Well we have hit the ground running in Year 6 this week.  Despite the plummeting temperatures outside, in the classroom we have been busy getting started with lots of new topics.

In English, we made predictions and then started reading the book Leila and the Blue Fox by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, with beautiful illustrations by Tom de Freston.  The story is based on the true story of an Arctic fox who walked from Norway to Canada in seventy-six days, a distance of two thousand miles.  We are all looking forward to continuing with Chapter 4 next week to find out what Leila and Miso are up to.

World War 2 is often the long-awaited and hotly anticipated topic of the year and it didn’t disappoint.  The children were very interested in finding out about the events which happened after World War 1 that led to the Second World War.

In RE we discussed what qualities make a person a good leader.  Following on from this, we read the story of Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed, which shows how the Buddha used skilful means to help someone who was in a very difficult situation.

Have a great weekend.

The Year 6 Team