Welcome back!

We have had an amazing first week back in Reception. Well done to all of the children for coming back to school so well! They have come back really settled and have remembered all our school expectations and routines.

We have had some very excited children this week as we have started to learn all about dinosaurs! Our first focused book was ‘Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs’. We spent time finding out all the different dinosaurs that the children already knew and some interesting facts. Together we then created ‘lost/wanted posters’ to help Harry find his missing dinosaurs. We then used our imaginations to think about where the dinosaurs could have ended up and then each made our own simple maps to show the dinosaurs route.

In Phonics we have spent time reviewing and recapping all of the phase 2 and 3 sounds that we learnt before the Christmas break. We then introduced the new short ‘oo’ sound and we then read and wrote words including this sound.

This week in Maths the children used their perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in different  arrangements, moving from dots in a line and arrangements of 2, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. For larger quantities, the children began to use skills of conceptual subitising, beginning to quickly see the sub-groups within these larger numbers.

This week we have reassessed the children on their phase 2 and phase 3 phonics sounds. Inside your yellow reading records you will find a copy of the assessment, which shows you the sounds your child is confident with and those they are unsure of. If you would like to know what sounds we have covered then please look at the big whiteboards in the classroom.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team 🙂