Category: School council

25 Random Acts of Kindness

The School Council have started off the year by launching a “Random Acts of Kindness” project across the whole school. Each class is on the look out every day to identify an act of kindness. The school council members are then responsible for writing this act down on a kindness calendar. We can’t wait to …

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Golden Rules Poster Competition

The School Council had a tough time judging all the competition entries for the poster competition. It took us a whole half an hour of our lunchtime to decide last Thursday! Here are the amazing winners from all 3 Phases. The first place winners will have their posters displayed all around the school and the …

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An exciting visit!

The School Council were extremely excited to meet Daisy Cooper today. She came and answered our questions and we found out lots of things like: what inspired her to be an MP,  how she likes problem solving, and what she studied and worked as before becoming an MP. Daisy also spoke in our school assembly. …

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Our New School Council!

It has been a very exciting start to the year for the school council and the children have already come up with amazing new ideas and brought lots of enthusiasm to their roles. Please talk to the school council member in your class if you have any ideas of how we can improve the school …

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