Category: year4

Year 4 – Gold and Saffron

Show Not Tell

This week we have been practising some techniques to add to our suspense stories. We particularly like ‘show not tell’ which is when we don’t tell the reader exactly what emotion a character may be feeling but show them through their actions. For example: ‘When he finally saw the tomb, his eyes lit up and  …

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Help! There’s a whale in my teacup!

Bonjour! Ola! Ciao! Privet! Namaste! Hello! Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed our Languages Day yesterday and all looked so colourful in the colours of so many different flags. We had a great time choosing landmarks from around the world of places we have visited or our families have originated. We then created silhouettes of each landmark …

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Is it a solid… is it a liquid… no it’s both!

The highlight of this week was investigating what happened to cornflour when water was added as part of our continuing work on states of matter. We all loved playing with the oobleck and were fascinated by the fact that by applying a lot of force the mixture behaves like a solid, but when we let …

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We are in de-Nile!`

This week we have been preparing to write a letter to describe an Ancient Egyptian artefact. We have  extended our vocabulary using adjectives and prepositions in order to write extended noun phrases. In maths, we have represented numbers beyond 1000 in different ways and compared the size of different numbers. We have been working on …

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Welcome back to Year 4!

What an amazing first week we have had back! We are so proud of Year 4 who have settled into life back at school brilliantly and have been  learning their new routines. We have talked a lot about our school values and written our own class expectations. We started the week with some fantastic team challenges …

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