Category: year2

Year 2 – Crimson & Scarlet

Pirate adventure stories

In English, we have been writing descriptive stories about pirates! Our stories have really come together and we have produced some amazing writing.  Have a look in our English books during soft start if you would like to read them. Ordering and comparing different measures has been our maths focus this week. On Monday we …

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Autumn leaves are falling!

Sequencing and planning has been the focus in English this week. Last week we explored what makes up a sentence such as nouns, verbs and adjectives so that this week we could extend that further with more adventurous vocabulary for our pirate story and we’ve even used a thesaurus to help.  We are ready to …

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Message in a bottle!

Time flies when you’re having fun and it certainly is as we are already over half way through this term!  We’ve been as busy as ever and these are some of the things we have been up to this week. In Maths we have been exploring different resources to help understand the value of each …

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I wrote to the aquarium to send me a….

Together we have re-written Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell to create Dear Aquarium by Year 2. We have thought carefully about the structure of each sentence and used a thesaurus to uplevel our adjective choices. Some of us even used conjunctions to extend our sentences to give reasons i.e. I wrote to the aquarium to …

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Nature Art and more!

Another busy week of learning in Year 2. This week, in English, we have written our very own thank you letters. On Monday we thought about things we are thankful for and why, for example healthy food that helps us to grow or our friends who make us laugh. On Tuesday and Wednesday we wrote …

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Week 2 of Year 2!

That’s week 2 completed and what a great start to the week Crimson class had! They took part in a football skills session with a coach from Tottenham Hotspur football team.  Everyone learnt to dribble and control the ball, which was great fun. Scarlet class are looking forward to taking part in the same workshop …

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Welcome to Year 2!

What a fabulous first week of Year 2 we have had.  The Year 2 adults are very excited to be working with such a wonderful group of children. We have spent the week getting to know each other, practicing new routines and making sure that each child feels safe and secure in their new classrooms.  …

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