Category: year6

Year 6 – Amethyst and Magenta

Maths, Miso and Mustard Seeds

Happy New Year! Well we have hit the ground running in Year 6 this week.  Despite the plummeting temperatures outside, in the classroom we have been busy getting started with lots of new topics. In English, we made predictions and then started reading the book Leila and the Blue Fox by Kiran Millwood Hargrave, with …

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Capacity, Computers and CHRISTMAS!

And in the blink of an eye – it’s Christmas! What a busy last few days we’ve all had. In English, we have been wearing out our pens, writing the long-awaited Day of the Dead stories.  The children have worked hard, focusing each day on a different part of the story.  On Monday, we started …

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Percentages, Planning, Prepositions (and chocolate!)

We are really enjoying our new art project this term.  We have chosen an animal, linked to South America and used a technique to upscale and make it bigger.  We will back it onto cardboard, collage it and eventually hope to make it stand up! We have had a successful week in maths, revisiting percentages …

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Description, Dialogue and Decimals

In English, we started the week practising the skill of ‘Show, don’t tell’ to describe the feelings of a character.  We continued on with a focus on the variety of punctuation needed when writing speech and ended the week by writing an extract of a story with a balance of both dialogue and description.  This …

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Fun with Fractions and Festivals

Firstly we would like to start by congratulating the children in both Year 6 classes for their fantastic sharing assemblies.  Lovely loud voices, lots of lines learnt off by heart and some top notch acting.  Well done! In English this week, we read the book The Dead Family Diaz – a beautifully illustrated story based …

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Poems, PSHE and Performing

This week in English we have been working hard on our Macavity inspired poems.  The children have really enjoyed it this week and we have been overwhelmed with the number of children wanting to perform in the class.  We have focused on using poetic devices such as: alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition imagery, metaphors and similes and …

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Macavity, Maths & Mayans

It was lovely to see everyone back after the well-deserved break at half term.  This week in English, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading the classic T.S Elliot poem: Macavity.  This cunning feline, a notorious criminal, manages to evade the authorities whilst carrying out acts of treachery.  Next week, we will be using Macavity to inspire …

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Cycling, SPAG & Scary Sums!

The children have had a lovely time out on the roads of St Albans as part of Bikeability week. Badges and certificates will be awarded after half term. Everyone else has taken part in a variety of maths and literacy tasks – carousel style.  Lots of child-led learning! The Halloween disco was a big success …

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Potential Hazards & Prime Numbers

It’s been yet another busy week here in Year 6.  We have completed our information leaflets about harmful substances – be prepared to be lectured about the potential hazards of those (well-deserved) glasses of wine! The leaflets are really creative in terms of layout and the children have included a variety of sentence structures and …

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Hearts and Harmful Substances

Well we could write about all the work we have done in English this week.  Writing sentences using modal verbs, a variety of subordinating conjunctions and some excellent synonyms, however what most people want to see is the science lesson! In Science, following on from our work on the circulatory system, linking with our core …

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